Quick Start
python -m pip install pyhgl
PyHGL adds some syntactic sugar to Python and uses a parser generated by Pegen. PyHGL source files (with .pyh
suffix) should be imported by a normal python file that has imported pyhgl
# in Adder.pyh
from pyhgl.logic import *
# in main.py
import pyhgl
import Adder
new operators and statements are listed below.
Operator |
Description |
LogicNot |
LogicAnd |
LogicOr |
Imply(Assertion) |
Sequential(Assertion) |
Assignment |
Partial Assignment |
Connect |
One-line Decorator
# pyhgl
@decorator NAME:
# python
def NAME():
return locals()
When Statement
when signal:
elsewhen signal:
Switch Statement
switch signal:
once a, b:
once c:
once ...:
a Game of Life example comes from Chisel Tutorials.
in life.pyh
from pyhgl.logic import *
@module Life(rows, cols): # declares a module `Life`
cells = Reg(Array.zeros(rows, cols)) @ Output # a rows*cols array of 1-bit regs
running = UInt(0) @ Input # control signal. if 1, run; if 0, write data
wdata = UInt(0) @ Input # data to write
waddr_row = UInt(rows) @ Input # write address
waddr_col = UInt(cols) @ Input # write address
def make_cell(row, col): # row and col are indexes
neighbors = cells[[row-1,row,(row+1)%rows], # select a 3*3 range circularly
cell = neighbors[1,1] # select current cell
neighbors[1,1] = UInt('3:b0') # 3 bits to count 8 neighbors
count_neighbors = Add(neighbors, axis=(0,1)) # sum up the 3*3 array, return a 3-bit uint
when !running: # write data
when waddr_row == row && waddr_col == col:
cell <== wdata
otherwise: # next state
when count_neighbors == 3: # n=3, becomes a live cell
cell <== 1
elsewhen count_neighbors != 2: # n!=3 and n!=2, dies
cell <== 0
# otherwise keep the state
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
make_cell(i,j) # map rules on each cell
@task test_life(self, dut): # coroutine-based simulation tasks
# dut is a `Life` module instance
@task set_mode(self, run: bool): # declares a task
setv(dut.running, run) # `setv` set value to signal/signals
yield self.clock_n() # wait until next negedge of default clock
@task write(self, row, col): # write `1` to a specific cell
setv(dut.wdata, 1)
setv(dut.waddr_row, row)
setv(dut.waddr_col, col)
yield self.clock_n()
@task init_glider(self):
# wait and execute these tasks sequentially
yield write(3,3), write(3,5), write(4,4), write(4,5), write(5,4)
@task show(self):
cells_str = Map(lambda v: '*' if v==1 else ' ', getv(dut.cells))
for row in cells_str:
print(' '.join(row))
yield self.clock_n()
yield set_mode(0), init_glider(), set_mode(1)
for _ in range(20):
yield show()
with Session() as sess: # enter a `Session` before initialization
life = Life(10,10) # a 10*10 game of life
sess.track(life) # track all singals in the module
sess.join(test_life(life)) # wait until the task finishes
sess.dumpVCD('life.vcd') # generate waveform to ./build/life.vcd
sess.dumpVerilog('life.sv') # generate RTL to ./build/life.sv
print(sess) # a summary
in main.py
import pyhgl
import life
run: python main.py